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Beth Hotchkiss

In today's world, we face complex challenges that cannot be solved by working in silos. A variety of skills are needed to curb the effects of climate change, correct systems of injustice, and create a world in which we can all thrive. 


During college, I earned a degree in civil engineering but I realized my passion was not in building physical bridges but rather bridging the gap between science, art, policy, and more! I believe that by working across the intersections, we are better positioned to tackle some of today's toughest challenges.

Venn diagram showing the intersections between art, culture, and science.


Cal Poly San Luis Obispo

BS Civil Engineering | magna cum laude | Studied abroad in Stockholm 



  • Gender, Race, Culture, Science, and Technology

  • Media, Art, Science, and Technology

  • Ethnic Studies

Additional Certifications

MITx Micromasters in Data, Economics, and Development Studies

Alternatives to Violence - Facilitator in Training

PADI Open Water Diver 

California Certified Naturalist

Equipment and Applications

  • Canon 70D, iPhone, Polaroid, Minolta

  • Tascam Audio Recording

  • iMovie, Adobe Premiere

  • Lightroom, Canva, Tableau

  • Microsoft Suite

  • AutoCad, R

Relevant Coursework

  • Ecosystem Support and Environmental Justice

  • Storytelling and the Cinematic Process

  • Black and White Film Photography

  • Technical Writing

Highlighted Experiences

May 2023 - Present

October 2020 - Present

May 2018 - May 2023

November 2017 - December 2017

October 2013 - June 2017

October 2015 - June 2017

May 2016 - August 2016

March 2015 - August 2015

August 2012 (3 weeks)

January 2012 - July 2012

California Conservation Corps, Information Officer

At the California Conservation Corps (CCC), I use images and storytelling to amplify the voices of young adults enrolled in the organization's fire, forestry, fisheries, natural resources, trails, energy, and culinary programs. Through engaging content, my goal is to spark interest in conserving California's environment and highlight the many ways that the CCC can transform lives. 

Corpsmembers crossing a creek with handtools in the backcountry
Corpsmember holding up threadfin and american shad on a fishing boat
Corpsmember securing a log in place as part of a creek restoration project.

Girls Who Click Ambassador 

Girls Who Click believes that photography is not just about making pretty pictures – it’s about making a difference. As part of their ambassador program, I am being mentored by Cathy Hart, an experienced Alaska-based wildlife photographer, to improve my photography skills and amplify my impact. 

Office of Planning and Research,  Program Analyst and Planner

In my role at the California Governor's Office of Planning and Research, I worked to create a “California for All” by supporting climate, health, long-range planning, and education initiatives. I am developed guidance to help cities and counties become resilient to wildfires and plan for safe evacuations. I also served as a communications liaison where I drafted newsletters, website copy, and other outreach materials. 

Nobel Nightcap Photographer

While studying abroad in Stockholm Sweden, I had the great honor of serving as one of five photographers charged with documenting the 2017 Nobel NightCap: the after-party for Nobel Laureates organized by students.

Chemist/bar tender pouring a drink into a beaker
Students dancing in a room that represented dopamine in the brain.

Engineers Without Borders Project Manager & Vice President

When the EWB sanitation project I was co-managing experienced significant difficulties,  I worked with my team at Cal Poly to document lessons learned and create positive change within the organization. As part of this effort, I initiated a task force within the chapter to increase environmental, social, economic, and cross-generational sustainability. 

Computer Engineering Department Photographer

While at Cal Poly, I photographed examples of “Learn by Doing” across the computer engineering department for their annual publication titled Hello World

Scuba diver wearing a VR headset exploring a virtual underwater world
Magazine page highlighting a virtual reality project to explore below the Cal Poly peir.
Magazine article featuring women in STEM dressed up as Rosie the Riveter.
Women in a biology lab taking photos of auger for a computer science application they developed.
First year computer engineering students testing out their robotic vehicles that they programmed.
Three computer science students pushing a computer through a field to collect data.

AmeriCorps Volunteer in Service to America

As a summer associate, I created a “Diversity Map” of Cal Poly’s 2015-2017 course catalog, produced three short videos for Cal Poly's Student Support Services, and used quantitative and qualitative data analysis techniques to identify factors impacting the retention of first-generation and low-income students at Cal Poly.

Solar SPELL Media Lead 

As part of a Cal Poly course, I curated content and constructed 50+ solar-powered educational learning libraries (Solar SPELL) for Peace Corps volunteers working in the pacific islands. I later traveled to Vanuatu to conduct training. In addition, we partnered with a local media company to document local climate change impacts by recording stories from residents ranging in age from 10 - 70 years old. This b-roll was then used in a video storytelling course back at Cal Poly. 

Cal Poly staff and students partnering with a media company in Vanuatu to document climate stories.
Beth helping a student assemble raspberry pis to the Solar SPELL project.

National Geographic Student Expedition Participant

As a junior in high school, I used all of my savings to join a three-week National Geographic Student Expedition in Peru. This experience not only cemented my desire to pursue photography but also inspired me to look beyond the lens at the cultures shaping today's world. 

Washington Aerospace Scholar 

As part of the Washington Aerospace Scholars (WAS) curriculum, I learned about the history of space travel and completed engineering design exercises. The following summer, I participated in a week-long summer residency at the Seattle Museum of Flight where I worked with other students to design a mission to Mars. I served on the "mission integration" team. This experience sparked my interest in the STEM fields. 


Just For Fun

Sacramento Comedy Spot

Enjoy a photo of my dogs: Pepsi & Cola

2020 ​Comedy Spot Film Challenge 

  • Best Film

  • Best Script

  • Best Use of Theme 

  • Best Social Impact

Spokane Scholars

2013 Central Valley High School ​

Spokane Scholars Fine Arts Award 

Pepsi and Cola (two white dogs) at the top of Saltese Flats.
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